Design Blog

Minimalist vs. Maximalist Bathrooms: Choosing the Perfect Shower Curtain for Your Style

bathroom design planning

Minimalist vs. Maximalist Bathrooms: Choosing the Perfect Shower Curtain for Your Style

When it comes to bathroom design, two dominant aesthetics shape our approach: minimalism and maximalism. Whether you're drawn to clean, uncluttered spaces or thrive in bold, expressive environments, your shower curtain can be a defining element that ties your style together. Let’s explore the key differences between these styles and how to choose a shower curtain that enhances your space. Minimalist Bathrooms: Clean, Simple, and Sophisticated Minimalist design emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and a neutral color palette. The focus is on sleek lines, uncluttered surfaces, and high-quality materials. In a minimalist bathroom, every element serves a purpose, and excess decoration is...

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Designing a Bathroom with Black and White

Designing a Bathroom with Black and White

I'm in the middle of planning my own bathroom update project and am finding myself surprisingly in love with simple black and white color schemes. Glass door and tile options are lovely, but if you want a simpler solution, the simple minimal pallet of black, white and either a touch of natural wood, stone or gray lets you go a bit more wild with patterns. Jump in!  Lighting options can be tailored to the style without worrying about color as any fixture with a matte black finish option should work perfectly. I'm a big fan of the classic dome light...

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Watercolor Shower Curtains: Beautiful and Unique Bathroom Decor Ideas

Watercolor Shower Curtains: Beautiful and Unique Bathroom Decor Ideas

There's something about abstract watercolor paintings that just says bathroom to me! Perhaps this is why I've been creating more and more variations on watercolor shower curtain designs lately. Blue is the most obvious color choice, evoking water, bathing, the ocean, and the cleanliness water provides. If you're looking to make a bold and beautiful decor statement in your house without spending a fortune or taking too big of a risk, your shower curtain is by far the easiest place to start. Who knows what else you'll be inspired to do?    Here are some ideas to get you going. Enjoy,...

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Designing a Purple Bathroom - with Free Printable Iris & Butterfly Wall Art

all about color bathroom design purple

Designing a Purple Bathroom - with Free Printable Iris & Butterfly Wall Art

Purple is not a neutral color, and its friends violet, lavender and lilac have been associated with everything from royalty to uniqueness to femininity and mixed gender. Don't let it scare you away, though. Designing with purple is a great way to set your bathroom apart. 

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Monochromatic Bathroom Design: Slate Blue, with Free Printable Wall Art

accent colors bathroom design bathroom design planning blue bathroom blue printable art free printable wall art metro shower curtains modern bathroom design monochromatic bathroom design navy blue bathroom printable bathroom art slate blue bathroom

Monochromatic Bathroom Design: Slate Blue, with Free Printable Wall Art

Trying to figure out how to design your new dream bathroom? Looking to create a look that stands out? On a budget (aren't we all!)? You want something unique, but you don't want to break the bank. Today we're going monochromatic with slate blue. Monochromatic is a fancy term meaning to focus on a single hue, or color, used in various intensity levels and paired primarily with the neutrals, white and black.

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